- The Happy FamilyWe hadn't been seeing much from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, the final installment of Stephenie Meyer's book turned movie franchise, until now. But boy, do we have a lot to show you now. MovieLine collected a slew of pictures from the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly that show Bella and Edward's child Renesmee, the vampire clans that come to witness her unusual progression, and Bella having fun with her own newfound powers by challenging Emmett to an arm wrestling match.
- Jacob and RenesmeeTaylor Lautner's Jacob and 11-year-old Mackenzie Foy's Renesmee have an awkward chat about imprinting.
- Does She Need Protection?I wonder if Renesmee is going to be this age at the beginning of the film or if they have a younger actress to show how quickly she grows.
- The Happy (?) FamilyYou can come up with your own captions for this awkward family photo.
- Fashionable Bella and RenesmeeInteresting how Bella starts wearing makeup and dressing like a fashionista after she's turned. Even when she's camping.
- Eleazar and CarmenTwo members of the Denali Coven we saw in Breaking Dawn Part 1.
- Senna and ZafrinaThe Amazon Coven (minus Kachiri) examining Renesmee. I'm super interested to see how much we actually get of all the covens and their power sets. I'm guessing a lot since there's not much story left to tell.
- Kate and TanyaAlso of the Denali Coven.
- Jane and AlecThose troublemakers.
- Emmett and BellaPossibly my most anticipated scene in the entire film. Bella exploring her new strengths.Breaking Dawn Part 2 hits theaters November 16.
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